Coolbind Adhesive Glue [30LBS]
Used to be product code 34-680C
Technomelt Adhesive Technomelt is one of the best hot melt ethyl vinyl acetate adhesives that we've found. Although it's well suited for all kinds of applications including everything from booklets to carton and case sealing. When it comes to book binding technomelt simply performs. The 416C formula is specially formulated for book binding and is designed for application at 275 degrees Fahrenheit (+/- 15 degrees). The formula offers excelled adhesion, low odor, good color, low energy use, reduced burn hazard, and less maintenance.
As a hotmelt adhesive, technomelt is polymer-based and is 100 percent solid, containing no solvents or water. Technically all hot melt glues are a category of thermoplastic, which means it is solid at room temperature but liquefies upon heating, then solidifies again upon cooling. This property gives hot melt a fast-setting speed. The lack of water and solvents allows hot melt to attain peak bonding strength very quickly.
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